Thursday, February 3, 2011

U.S. Study Abroad Students Evacuated in Egypt

Obviously I am a big proponent of study abroad and its exciting possibilities. Unfortunately for some American students, study abroad has turned into a scary and dangerous situation. After public uprisings against the government erupted last week in Egypt, many American students found their semester off to a rocky start. According to a New York Times article, about 500 U.S. students are studying abroad at the American University in Cairo. Most students have been evacuated out of Egypt, and the semester has been pushed back to February 13. U.S. officials will decide if the country is safe enough for students to return.
The violence of the demonstrations is a main concern of the universities. While it is a shame that these students can’t start their semester, it is more important that they are safe. I think this sends a comforting message to students abroad. Although you may feel hundreds and thousands miles away from home (because you are!), you are not alone. Short phone calls home, Skype sessions with friends and random package deliveries may keep you feeling connected to close family and friends stateside. The welfare, health and safety of abroad students are not forgotten by these close relations, universities or the country in general as demonstrated by the actions taken by the country to assist students in Egypt.

1 comment:

  1. The perception I've always had of Americans & their officials, from my years abroad, is that, if there was ever any trouble developing anywhere, US nationals could always count on their officials to (work their hardest to) get them out safely. It must be very reassuring for the parents of US students abroad to witness that firsthand for their own children now.
