Thursday, March 3, 2011

Arcadia Leads the Nation in Study Abroad

If the map of study abroad opportunities of Lehigh Valley colleges and universities did not yield what you are looking for in terms of programs, maybe you should try exploring Arcadia University’s offerings. Arcadia was ranked first in the nation in undergraduate participation in study abroad in 2010 at 132.2 percent.
While Arcadia offers fewer programs than Lehigh, Arcadia attributes its popularity of study abroad to the Preview program, a faculty-led spring break trip for freshmen to get a taste of study abroad.  This trip, which costs $495, is designed to get students excited about further study abroad opportunities.
According to an Arcadia press release, “’It’s no accident that we have this distinction,’ says Arcadia University President Jerry Greiner. ‘We have intentionally set out to make the world our classroom, to prepare the leaders of tomorrow for a rapidly changing global marketplace.’”
This is such a cool opportunity for students that obviously does make them excited about studying abroad. I never thought I wanted to study abroad for a full semester because that seemed so long, but after my two week trip, I wanted to extend my stay. As more universities look to expand study abroad, I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing more programs of similar nature.


  1. This make sense. I studied abroad with Arcadia in Italy back in 2006 =) It was right in the middle of the World Cup = amazing!

    To be honest, the experience was more about being abroad rather than study, but it was all part of the experience.


  2. No doubt about it. Once a young person travels abroad they are a changed person.
    They can't avoid being broadened.
