Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What I Learned

My study abroad trip was an eye-opening experience. Not only did I learn about the history and culture of Spain, but I also discovered things about myself. Here are the top three things that I took away from my trip:
1.       I am capable of traveling and living independently. Studying abroad in Spain was the first time I had traveled out of the country without my parents. It was also the first time that I did not talk to them every day. It was weird to be completely disconnected from my family. I am lucky that my parents had previously taken me to Europe, so I was comfortable reading guide books and navigating the metro. When traveling with my parents, I usually just follow the lead of my parents and expect them to figure everything out. On this trip I had to figure out a lot for myself. While this was intimidating, it taught me to be more assertive and independent.
2.       Years of studying Spanish actually taught me something. After the initial culture shock, I was able to understand and speak Spanish. This was so rewarding because it showed me that the time I put into learning Spanish in high school actually paid off.
3.       The busy American way of life is not the only way of life. The relaxed lifestyle of Europeans is very different from our way of life. A simple example: In America coffee is an on-the-go drink to boost our energy to get us through our busy days. In Europe coffee is a chance to sit down for an hour and chat. This laid-back lifestyle is very different from ours, but it is probably a much healthier way to live.

1 comment:

  1. Great point about "The busy American way of life is not the only way of life." It's great you got a chance to see for yourself that the American way is only one option among many.

    When I was in Portugal over the summer, I noticed that even Starbucks serves espresso shots in tiny ceramic cups, which customers return when they leave. The expectations regarding *quality* of drink/food rather than quantity are higher, and Starbucks has to align its offerings with those expectations in order to attract customers. (Coffee is much stronger too.)

    What did you think about the food?

    Keep up the great posts!
